TDOE Highlights 3rd Grade ELA TCAP Retake Opportunity and Appeals Window

Monday, May 20, 2024 | 11:00am


Promotes Multiple Promotion Pathways for 3rd Grade Students

NASHVILLE, TN – Today, the Tennessee Department of Education is highlighting the multiple promotion pathways for 3rd grade students who may need extra learning supports, including the 3rd grade English Language Arts (ELA) Tennessee Comprehensive Assessment Program (TCAP) retake assessment and the appeals window for families of 3rd grade students.

“Third grade is a pivotal year for students to strengthen the foundational building blocks of reading comprehension, which shape academic success in fourth grade and beyond,” said Lizzette Reynolds, Commissioner of Education. “I am grateful to our districts and schools for having essential conversations with families and students to determine the best path forward for future success.”

The 3rd grade ELA TCAP retake window will be administered from May 22nd through May 31st. Districts can make this option available for 3rd grade students that scored "approaching" or "below" on the ELA section of the spring TCAP as an additional opportunity to demonstrate proficiency.

Families of students in 3rd grade who scored “approaching” on the ELA section of their spring 3rd grade TCAP or the ELA TCAP retake may also submit an appeal to the department beginning May 28th through June 28th. Beginning this year, authorized district personnel may submit an appeal on behalf of a student with parent or guardian consent. A link to the appeal form will be available here on May 28th and can be submitted based on either the Ground 1 or Ground 2 requirements detailed in the graphic below and here.

If an appeal is denied, students and families have additional pathways to potentially determine promotion to 4th grade. For more information on promotion pathways and exemptions outlined in the law, please review the graphic below.


In 2021, Governor Lee and the Tennessee General Assembly passed two key pieces of legislation to ensure all students have the support they need to read and perform on grade level. Third grade students who score “approaching expectations” or “below expectations” on the ELA section of the TCAP assessment can get key learning supports from their school for free to ensure they are ready to move on to the 4th grade, including the TCAP retake opportunity, free summer camp and/or tutoring in the upcoming school year. 

New and updated resources are available to support districts and schools as they work with families in determining the best pathway for students. For additional information about Tennessee’s 3rd and 4th grade learning acceleration strategy, click here. Additional updates will be shared throughout the summer. 

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