
The Division of Radiological Health is responsible for protecting Tennesseans and the environment from the hazards associated with ionizing radiation. This responsibility encompasses regulating the use and possession of radioactive materials and radiation producing machines within the state, as well as responding to accidents involving radiation. In addition, the Division monitors the environment for radiation, especially around nuclear facilities and other major radioactive material users.

The Division is comprised of four sections as follows:

  • The Radioactive Materials Licensing Section is authorized by TN’s agreement with the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, TCA, and SRPAR to license users of radioactive material. Radioactive materials are used in medical, industrial, and educational settings as well as in research and development activities. Types of licenses issued include specific, general, reciprocity, and shippers licenses. Examples of licenses issued are nuclear medicine, radiation oncology, medical research and development activities, gauging and measurement devices in the transportation and construction industries, other industrial uses, well-logging activities, decontamination and decommissioning activities of former radiation facilities, the disposal and proper processing of nuclear waste, and any other type or use of radioactive material.
  • The X-ray Registration Section is responsible for registering and tracking applicable x-ray producing equipment within Tennessee according to State Regulations for Protection Against Radiation. This Section includes the Registered Inspector (RI) program which reviews X-Ray inspections performed by Registered Inspectors.
  • The Inspection and Enforcement Section inspects licensed and registered facilities to determine compliance with state regulations and special conditions of their licenses or registration. Staff of this section ensure correction of items of non-compliance, and prepare requests for escalated enforcement.
  • The Technical Services Section performs ambient and site specific environmental monitoring, provides personnel monitoring and instrument calibration services for the Division, conducts emergency response training for the Division and others, and provides oversight for Tennessee's low-level radioactive waste activities. This section also provides updates to any Federal and State rulemaking issues as related to the Division of Radiological Health oversight.

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This Page Last Updated: May 24, 2024 at 3:18 PM