Tennessee History Festival at Bicentennial Mall State Park is October 13-14

Sunday, October 01, 2006 | 07:00pm

Nashville, Tenn. – The third annual Tennessee History Festival will be held at Bicentennial Mall State Park in Nashville on Friday and Saturday, October 13 and 14, providing educational activities and fun for school groups and families alike.

“We believe this event helps people better understand Tennessee’s place in history,” said Park Manager Mike Cole. “Our state has been touched and shaped by countries and cultures from all over the world, as it continues to be today, and the Tennessee History Festival brings over 300 years of our history to life for the enjoyment of all ages.”

Activities at the Tennessee History Festival will include a living time line, beginning with Spanish explorer Hernando de Soto and the Woodland Indian period through the Vietnam and Gulf War eras. The festival will also feature the stories of great Tennesseans like Davy Crockett, Andrew Jackson and Sgt. Alvin C. York. A mock World War II battle and a stroll along an automobile time line will also be included.

The event is free and open to the public. The Festival will run from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. each day, and school groups are encouraged to plan their visits for Friday, Oct. 13. Educators should call the park in advance to arrange for bus parking and receive teacher packets of information.

Bicentennial Mall State Park is located at the foot of the State Capitol, bordered by James Robertson Parkway, Jefferson Street and 6th and 7th Avenues. For more information about the park, visit the Web site at www.tnstateparks.com/Bicentennial.

For more information about the 2006 Tennessee History Festival at Bicentennial Mall State Park, call the park office at (615) 741-5280.

For more information contact:

Dana Coleman
Office (615) 253-1916

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