Post a job

Posting a job on is Easy

If you are an employer and wish to list a job opening, take a few minutes to register at The system will guide you through simple steps to post your position.  From the home page, choose “Looking for Employees” under Business Solutions. Select “Manage Jobs” on the left side of the screen, then “Add New Job Order” at the bottom of the next screen.

Have the following handy and you’ll be set to post:

  • job title, location and contact person
  • skill sets for the job (employer can select from a list) and specific software or certification requirements
  • job order details, such as number of positions, number to refer, dates to display the job, whether full-time or part-time
  • job description, including hiring requirements, e.g., drug testing, background checks
  • minimum education and experience required
  • whether driver’s license is required
  • salary specifications
  • benefits
  • job application methods employer will accept, such as resume and/or application online; mail, phone, or in-person application
YouTube video with tips for employers

Post a Job
 - (1:13) Learn how to create and manage job orders to fill job vacancies in your company. The Job Order Wizard relies on the O*NET program, the nation's primary source of occupational information.

The process is straightforward and easy to use. Help guides – appearing as word bubbles on blue backgrounds – are available throughout the posting form. When you’ve finished the process, you are in full control. You can add or remove openings or change specifications to your listings at any time; changes are updated immediately.

Try the Virtual Recruiter

A virtual recruiter feature can refer applicants to you automatically. From the home page, the employer selects “Looking for Employees” under Business Solutions, then “Candidate Search.” After the employer chooses criteria, the system displays candidates that match. At that point the employer can view résumés, and the system asks if he wants to save the résumé search; doing so triggers the Virtual Recruiter feature. The employer specifies how often he wishes to be contacted – e.g., once a day, once a week – and he will be sent résumés that match his job search at those intervals. Give it a try.

Job Posting Assistance

If you need help posting your job, please contact your nearest American Job Center.