Public Rulemaking Hearings Announced

Thursday, February 11, 2016 | 03:57pm

NASHVILLE – The Tennessee Department of Agriculture will hold public rulemaking hearings on Feb. 29 to gather input on licensing and fee structures for its dairy, agricultural inputs and plant certification programs. 

At the hearing, the Department will take public comment on proposed rules that set fees and payment procedures for licensing in dairy production, commercial feed, seed, and fertilizer, liming materials and plant sales and distribution.  Promulgation of the rules was authorized under legislation passed by the General Assembly in 2015, amending the Agriculture Regulatory Fund, which includes the Department’s dairy, agricultural inputs, and plant certification programs. 

When:            February 29, 2016
                         Dairy licensure – 9 a.m. CST
                         Feed, seed, fertilizer and agriculture liming materials – 10 a.m. CST
                         Plant sales and distribution – 11 a.m. CST
Where:           Ellington Agricultural Center, Porter Building
                         436 Hogan Rd.
                         Nashville, TN 37220
Contact:        Jay Miller, Consumer and Industry Services, 615-837-5341

A copy of the rules and additional information may be obtained on the Secretary of State’s website.