Tennessee Corn Producers to Vote on Checkoff Referendum

Monday, October 22, 2018 | 09:50am

NASHVILLE—Tennessee corn farmers and landowners will be able to vote on a statewide checkoff referendum to consider a 1 cent per bushel assessment of corn sold. Voting for this assessment program will take place Nov. 28 and 29, 2018 at county UT Extension offices, which are usually open from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. 

If the referendum passes, the funds will be used to finance a program of research, education, market development, marketing, advertising, and other methods designed to promote the increased production, consumption, use, and sale of Tennessee corn products. 

The referendum is authorized by Agriculture Commissioner Jai Templeton at the request of the Tennessee Corn Growers Association, the state’s largest corn organization.

Tennessee corn producers or landowners who share in the production costs or the proceeds of the sale of corn are eligible to vote. 

The Tennessee Department of Agriculture will announce the referendum results Dec. 7. If passed, assessments will begin March 1, 2019. Producers who do not want to participate may request a refund of the assessed amount within 90 days of the sale. 

For more information, click here or contact your local UT Extension office.