Annual Pick TN Conference Comes to Chattanooga

Wednesday, February 07, 2018 | 11:23am

NASHVILLE – The 2018 Pick TN Conference will be held Feb. 15-17 at the Chattanooga Marriott Downtown Conference Center. The annual farmer-focused event is a collaborative effort of the Tennessee Department of Agriculture, the University of Tennessee, producer organizations and other agricultural agencies. 

The popular conference is offered as a one-stop solution for farmers who need access to the constantly-evolving information required to succeed. Participants choose sessions based on the needs of their operations and can make contact with resources for every facet of modern farm life, all in one event. The conference features an agenda focusing on technology, management and regulatory issues, as well as the common business and personal challenges for families who farm with and for each other. 

“This conference is especially valuable because so many farmers are in the same location at the same time,” conference director Amy Tavalin said. “They support and learn from each other while participating, and when it’s time to go home, they’re excited to take what they’ve learned back to their farms and put that knowledge to use.” 

The cost is $175 per person, which includes conference sessions, receptions, lunch on Friday and a trade show with a variety of agricultural exhibitors and products. The education alley includes representatives from educational, state and federal organizations to answer questions and share information about their programs. A complete list of conference organizations and sponsors is available here

Hotel reservations must be made separately from conference reservations. Call the Chattanooga Marriott Downtown at (423) 756-0002 and ask for the Pick TN Conference room rate of $149 to reserve accommodations. 

You will find more information about the Pick TN Conference here, or by emailing Amy Tavalin at