Tennessee Beef Promotion Board to Meet

Monday, March 30, 2020 | 10:01am

NASHVILLE –The Tennessee Beef Promotion Board will meet by electronic means April 9, 2020 at 10 a.m. CDT.

In accordance with Governor Bill Lee’s Executive Order No. 16, the Tennessee Beef Promotion Board will meet and conduct business by electronic means. This measure serves to protect the health and safety of citizens and government officials during the COVID-19 emergency response.

The meeting is open to public participation via phone at 866-365-4406 using access code 8965811#. There is no cost to participants.

The agenda includes a review and approval of minutes of the Tennessee Beef Promotion Board, the Tennessee Beef Industry Council, and the BEEFoundation. Industry reports, financial reports, and quarterly program updates for the three organizations will be reviewed.

The Tennessee Beef Promotion Board was created in 2012 by state law to oversee the collection and use of assessments paid by producers for the purpose of promoting beef and beef products in-state. The Board comprises representatives from the Tennessee Livestock Market Association, Tennessee Cattlemen’s Association, Tennessee Farm Bureau Federation, Tennessee Dairy Association and Tennessee Beef Cattle Improvement Initiative.

For more information, contact the Tennessee Department of Agriculture at 615-837-5160.