Tennessee State Fair and Exposition Committee to Meet

Thursday, May 07, 2020 | 03:27pm

NASHVILLE –The Tennessee Fair and Exposition Commission will meet by electronic means May 13, 2020 at 2 p.m. CDT.

In accordance with Governor Bill Lee’s Executive Order No. 16 and 34, the Tennessee Fair and Exposition Commission will meet and conduct business by electronic means. This measure serves to protect the health and safety of citizens and government officials during the COVID-19 emergency response.

The meeting is open to the public to attend via an internet-based teleconferencing system. There is no cost to participants. Instructions and alternative methods of communication are included on the bottom of this notice.

The agenda includes approval of the previous meeting minutes, discussion on Requests for Proposal process to identify State Fair site, discussion on 2020 State Fair site options, election of chair and vice-chair, and other business.

The Tennessee General Assembly created the Tennessee State Fair and Exposition Commission to advise, facilitate and coordinate with the Tennessee State Fair Association. The 8-member commission is administratively attached to the Tennessee Department of Agriculture and meets as necessary to conduct business.