Community Agriculture Libraries Open at Ellington Agricultural Center

Monday, March 21, 2022 | 01:20pm
Agriculture Community Libraries Open

NASHVILLE – The Tennessee Department of Agriculture (TDA) will stock community agriculture libraries at Ellington Agricultural Center (EAC) in Nashville the week of March 21-25, 2022.

“Education is one of TDA’s key priorities,” Agriculture Commissioner Charlie Hatcher, D.V.M. said. “Expanding student knowledge about ag and forestry can inspire kids to become interested in agriculture. Our community agriculture libraries are open every day, all day for kids to take a book. When they finish reading it, we hope they’ll bring it back for another reader to enjoy.”

Four lending libraries are filled with free agriculture and forestry-related books for children. Libraries are in accessible locations across EAC at the iris garden, the koi pond, Cul2vate, and the Agricultural Museum.

The book share project is led by TDA’s Hemp Program Coordinator Denise Woods and Food and Dairy Produce Safety Inspector Baylee Burk. TDA’s Division of Forestry (TDF) and Business Development Division are also partners on the project. “Books educate, challenge, and entertain,” Woods said. “Every day is a good day to read and starting young helps kids develop a lifelong love of reading. We encourage parents to visit our libraries with their children to take a book and leave a book.”

“We’re excited to provide easy access to books,” TDF Communications and Outreach Unit Leader Tim Phelps said. “Reading introduces kids to new ideas and enhances creativity. We hope families who are enjoying the outdoors at EAC will take time to check out these free books.”

People who wish to donate agriculture and forestry-related books can do so by dropping books off at any of the lending libraries at EAC located at 440 Hogan Road in Nashville. People with other books can donate them by dropping them in collection boxes in front of the Tennessee Agricultural Museum at 404 Hogan Road. TDA staff will exchange those for agriculture and forestry books.

Pictured are Agriculture Commissioner Charlie Hatcher, D.V.M. giving out books to EAC neighbor Matteus who stopped by with his dad, Eric.