Tennessee Equine Health Advisory Commission to Meet

Thursday, January 12, 2023 | 01:17pm

NASHVILLE – The Tennessee Equine Health Advisory Commission will meet Jan. 30, 2023 in Thompson’s Station, Tenn.

The meeting will begin at 11:30 a.m. CST at the Tennessee Equine Hospital located at 1508 Thompson’s Station Road and is open to the public to attend. Commission members and the public may join via an internet-based teleconferencing system. There is no cost to participants. Instructions and alternative methods of communication are included at the bottom of this notice.

The agenda includes approval of the previous meeting’s minutes, an update on equine health in Tennessee, and an update on the equine economic impact study. The Commission will also review and approve recommendations presented in 2022.

The Tennessee Equine Health Advisory Commission studies the state of equine health, emerging health concerns, and other equine industry issues the commission deems relevant. The commission consists of nine members and is attached to the Tennessee Department of Agriculture for administrative purposes.

Microsoft Teams meeting instructions:

Join on your computer or mobile app

Click here to join the meeting

Meeting ID: 237 199 706 788
Passcode: yCoqbb

To make a comment, click the Raise Hand button to be recognized by the Chairman.

Or call in (audio only)
+1 629-209-4396,,826992448#
Phone Conference ID: 826 992 448#

Video of Tennessee Equine Health Advisory Commission Meeting