Statement from Attorney General Herbert H. Slatery III regarding Supreme Court Vacancy

Tuesday, September 15, 2015 | 12:00pm

“The State is facing an important decision, appointing and confirming someone to the Supreme Court position recently vacated by Judge Gary Wade. This will be the first appointment after the recently passed constitutional amendment dealing with judicial appointments.

I am sure the Governor and the General Assembly will make it a smooth process. There has been a fair amount of speculation not only about possible candidates, but also about how confirmation will work.

While my name has been mentioned in some of the conversations, a compliment that I really appreciate, I want to clarify that I do not intend to submit an application for the position.

The Court appointed me as Attorney General less than a year ago, to possibly take another position in a few months would be to leave a job unfinished. A number of people, talented people, have changed course in several ways to come and work with our office. Honoring that commitment to them and the other fine employees of this office is important to me. Changing directions in midstream and applying for another position feels like it is more about me than it should be at this point.

I am quite confident the Governor will appoint, and the General Assembly will confirm, the very best person to succeed Judge Wade. Those are big shoes to fill. Governor Haslam already has a good track record on appointing excellent judges. His decision here will not be any different.”