AG Slatery responds to SCOTUS decision refusing appeal in George v. Hargett (Amendment 1 case)

Monday, October 01, 2018 | 02:12pm

“Today the United States Supreme Court refused to hear an appeal from a group challenging the way Tennessee has counted votes on constitutional amendments since 1870,” said Herbert H. Slatery III. “This is a confirmation of the State’s position from the outset: a state, and not a federal court, should decide how votes are counted under its own Constitution.  This finally puts to rest any uncertainty surrounding the people’s 2014 approval and ratification of Amendment 1 by 72,000 votes.  The Court’s action denying the appeal allows the unanimous 6th Circuit decision in favor of the State to stand. The votes were correctly and constitutionally counted and the plaintiffs’ claims of unfairness, lack of due process and equal protection were all denied.”

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