AG Slatery Applauds Decision in Purdue Litigation

Wednesday, February 27, 2019 | 01:41pm

Knox County Circuit Court Judge Kristi M. Davis recently denied Purdue Pharma’s motion to dismiss and found that the State has set forth a cause of action for violation of the Tennessee Consumer Protection Act, violation of the 2007 Agreed Final Judgment, and creation of a public nuisance.

Attorney General Slatery said, "Needless to say, we are pleased with the ruling. Our Office filed the Complaint after an extensive investigation into Purdue’s highly aggressive marketing practices and other unlawful conduct. We continue to believe Purdue’s conduct has been unconscionable and that the company helped cause one of the most devastating public health crises in Tennessee’s history. We intend to hold Purdue accountable as we move forward with the litigation."

To read the ruling, click here:

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