SFMO: Properly Installed & Maintained Fire Sprinklers Help Save Lives

Friday, October 20, 2017 | 09:38am

NASHVILLE – The arrival of heating season historically equates to a drastic uptick in the number of home fire incidents. As this high-risk period approaches, the Tennessee State Fire Marshal’s Office (SFMO) reminds consumers that fire sprinklers are the best way to successfully protect homes, property and lives from fire.

Home fire sprinklers are designed to respond quickly and effectively to fire. A sprinkler system’s fast reaction reduces the heat, flames, and smoke produced in a fire, allowing people more time to escape.

According to the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), more than 2,500 people die in home fires each year. If you have a fire in your home, the risk of dying is cut by about one-third when smoke alarms are present (or about half if the smoke alarms are working), while automatic fire sprinkler systems cut the risk of dying by about 80 percent.

“Fire sprinklers have been around for more than a century, protecting commercial properties and public buildings,” said Gary West, Deputy Commissioner of the Tennessee Department of Commerce & Insurance.  “We want people to realize that the same life-saving technology is also available for homes. We encourage Tennesseans to equip their homes with a complete fire protection package that includes fire sprinklers and smoke alarms.”

To dispel the myths that may surround fire sprinklers, the SFMO shares the following facts from NFPA about this life-saving equipment:

  • Cigarette or cigar smoke or burnt toast will not activate a fire sprinkler. Only the high temperature of a fire will activate the sprinkler.
  • Home fire sprinklers activate on an individual basis. Only the sprinkler closest to the fire will activate, spraying water on the fire and not the rest of the home.
  • Home fire sprinklers can control and may even extinguish a fire in less time than it would take the fire department to arrive on the scene.
  • Fire departments typically use roughly 10 times as much water as a fire sprinkler would use to contain a fire.                                          
  • Accidental sprinkler discharges are rare. Leaks of home fire sprinklers are no more likely than leaks from a home’s plumbing system.
  • In a home with sprinklers, the average property loss per fire is cut by about 70% (compared to fires where sprinklers are not present.)
  • The cost of installing home fire sprinklers averages $1.35 per sprinklered square foot, an amount often less than what is spent for carpet upgrades, paving stone driveway or a whirlpool bath.
  • A home fire sprinkler system can reduce the homeowner’s insurance premium.
  • Home fire sprinklers are effective in cold and warm climates. Guidelines have been created for the proper installation of systems to avoid pipes freezing. A home fire sprinkler system should be winterized the same as you winterize a domestic water supply.
  • A home fire sprinkler system is easy to maintain. Just inspect your home to make sure the sprinklers are not blocked by something that would prevent the water from coming out such as paint and be sure the main control valve is never turned off.
  • Home fire sprinklers can be installed in new or existing homes. If you are building, buying, or remodeling a home, install a home fire sprinkler system. If you are looking to rent an apartment or condo, look for one that is fully sprinklered.
  • New home fire sprinkler models are very unobtrusive, can be mounted flush with walls or ceilings, and can be concealed behind decorative covers.
  • Fire sprinklers also help protect your pets from fire. If a fire were to break out in your home when you were away, any pets in your home would be in danger. Fire sprinklers would help protect your pets as well as your home.

For more information about home fire sprinklers, visit http://www.firesprinklerinitiative.org/.
