About Newborn Dried Bloodspot Screening

All infants born in Tennessee must have a newborn screening specimen submitted to the Tennessee State Laboratory to be screened for certain genetic conditions. If tests are abnormal, the Department of Health follows up with the baby’s doctor to initiate re-testing, confirmation and treatment from a specialist if necessary. Early diagnosis and treatment can make the difference between a child leading a relatively normal life or having more significant developmental delays, long-term health care needs, or even death. This is a screening test that can be affected by baby's age, medical or treatment status at the time of specimen collection; the quality and quantity of the specimen or other variables and may not detect all affected infants. The possibility of false negative or false positive results must always be considered when screening newborns for metabolic disorders.

For a complete list of disorders screened on the newborn screening panel, click here.

For More Information Contact the Newborn Screening Follow up:

Phone: (615) 532-8462
Toll Free: (855) 202-1357
Fax: (615) 532-8555
Email: nbs.health@tn.gov