Child Support Calculator and Worksheet

The following automated tools are available to simplify the process of calculating Tennessee child support orders under the State’s Child Support Guidelines: The State of Tennessee Child Support Calculator Mobile App , an automated Web-Style Calculator, an automated version of the Child Support Worksheet in Excel for Windows users, and an automated version of the Child Support Worksheet in Excel for Mac users, an automated Spanish version of the Child Support Worksheet in Excel for Windows users, and an automated Spanish version of the Child Support Worksheet in Excel for MAC users.

State of Tennessee Child Support App

AUTOMATED WEB-STYLE CALCULATOR - Version V 5.1 - Updated October 31,2014 (NOTE: This updated version replaces all previous versions of the web calculator prior to October 31,2014).

When you enter requested information in a series of 8 steps, the Calculator will generate a completed document titled Child Support Worksheet that you can print and save. The Calculator is not compatible with MacOS at this time. However, below you can download an Excel version of the Child Support Worksheet that is Mac-compatible.

REQUIREMENT: To be able to save a CS Worksheet that the Calculator creates, you must first download the PDF Creator tool, which is available at no cost at See the Help/Troubleshooting page if you have trouble downloading PDF Creator.


Click on the “Download Calculator” link below.
To open and run the Calculator, click on “Run” in the “Download Complete” window and click “Run” again in the window that appears next.
In the “File Download” box,

To save on the default “Downloads” folder – Click on the “Save”
To save on the preferred location - Click on the ‘down’ arrow next to the “Save” button, then select the “Save as” option. In the “Save as” window that appears, choose the location where you wish to save the Calculator (Desktop is recommended) and click “Save”.

NOTE: If you do not wish to open and run the Calculator at the time you download it, click “Close” instead of “Run” in the “Download Complete” window to close the Calculator.

To open and run the Calculator, now or in the future, go to the location where you saved it (Desktop, for example) and double-click on the “StateTNCalculator.exe” icon.


Having difficulties? Please visit our Help/Troubleshooting page

 - EXCEL - Version V 5 - Updated August 27, 2010 (NOTE: This update only enabled compatibility with Excel 2010 and did not alter any calculations)

The Child Support and Credit Worksheets are an Excel document that uses automated calculations to simplify completing them. After downloading and opening the document, you will find a series of tabs along the bottom of the page, one for each Worksheet. In addition, there is a tab with instructions for completing the Worksheets and another containing the TN Schedule of Basic Child Support Obligations.

REQUIRES: Microsoft Excel (version 97 or later). It may be necessary to adjust the macro security settings to use this document. The following link provides detailed instructions: Income Shares Excel Worksheet Instructions.

INSTRUCTIONS: Double click the "Download Worksheet" link below and choose "Save" to save the Child Support Worksheet to any location on your computer. Then double-click the “Income Shares Worksheet v5 2010” file/icon to open the Worksheets.


DOWNLOAD WORKSHEET - Mac Version Version 5: Updated February, 2011 (NOTE: This update only enabled compatibility with Excel for Mac 2011 and did not alter any calculations.)

 Income Shares and Worksheet - Spanish


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