Commission Members

The 25 members of the TACIR capture the richness and diversity of perspectives of private citizens and officials representing different branches and levels of government.

Legislative Members  Term Expiration 
Senator Heidi Campbell 2024 November
Senator Jon Lundberg 2024 November
Senator Ken Yager, Chairman 2024 November
Senator Jeff Yarbro 2026 November
Representative John Crawford 2026 November
Representative Harold M. Love, Jr. 2026 November
Representative Antonio Parkinson 2026 November
Representative Ryan Williams 2026 November
Statutory Members  Term Expiration 
Senator Bo Watson
Chair of Senate Finance, Ways and Means
consistent with legislative term of office
Representative Patsy Hazlewood
Chair of House Finance, Ways and Means
consistent with legislative term of office
Jason Mumpower, Comptroller of the Treasury consistent with legislative term of office
Municipal Members  Term Expiration 
Kevin Brooks, Mayor of Cleveland, Vice Chairman 2027 March
Paige Brown, Mayor of Gallatin 2027 March
Chase Carlisle, Councilman, City of Memphis 2025 August
Vacant - Appointment Pending  
County Members  Term Expiration 
Rogers Anderson, Williamson County Mayor 2026 December
Jeff Huffman, Tipton County Executive 2026 December
Bob Rial, Dickson County Mayor 2027 July
Larry Waters, Sevier County Mayor 2024 June
Other Local Government Members  Term Expiration 
Terry Frank, Anderson County Mayor
TN Development District Association
2028 June
Mary Gaither, Tipton County Clerk
County Officials Association of TN
2027 July
Executive Branch Members  Term Expiration 
Jim Bryson, Commissioner, Finance & Administration 2027 March
Deniece Thomas, Commissioner, Department of Labor and
Workforce Development
2027 July
Private Citizen Members  Term Expiration 
Calvin Clifton, Kingsport                                                    2027 April
Jeff Peach, Smyrna 2027 April
  • The Governor appoints the Executive Branch members, the Private Citizens members and the County Officials Association of Tennessee (COAT) representative.
  • The Speaker of the Senate appoints the Senate members; the Speaker of the House appoints the House members.
  • The Comptroller, the Chairperson of the Senate Finance, Ways and Means Committee, and the Chairperson of the House Finance, Ways and Means Committee serve on the Commission as statutory members.
  • TCA 4-10-103 requires that the appointment of the county and municipal members and the Tennessee Development District Association (TDDA) representative shall alternate among the Governor, the Speaker of the Senate, and the Speaker of the House, respectively.