Correctional Officers Graduate From New West TN Satellite Training
HENNING - On Friday, August 14, 2015, 26 new correctional officers with the Tennessee Department of Correction graduated from the very first Basic Correctional Officer Training satellite program, held at West Tennessee State Penitentiary (WTSP). Cadet Cora Jones received the Top Gun Award for shooting a perfect score during firearms training. All 26 of these cadets will now go on to serve as officers at West Tennessee State Penitentiary and Northwest Correctional Complex.
Training for the Department is based at the Tennessee Correction Academy in Tullahoma, Tennessee. This new satellite training program at WTSP provided new recruits with the intensive training and experience they need, all while allowing them to stay close to their homes and families in West Tennessee. TDOC launched the satellite training as part of our ongoing recruitment and retention efforts.
The Department also announced that today’s graduates, as well as correctional officer cadets currently in training at the Tennessee Correction Academy, will receive the new signing bonus announced yesterday. That signing bonus program goes into effect Monday, August 17, 2015.
The Tennessee Department of Correction is the state’s largest law enforcement agency, with a non-negotiable mission of operating safe and secure prisons and providing effective community supervision in order to enhance public safety.