TDOC Holds Graduation For 51 New Correctional Officers

Friday, April 12, 2019 | 11:09pm
Graduation Ceremony

TULLAHOMA - On Friday, March 12, 2019 the Tennessee Department of Correction (TDOC) welcomed new correctional officers into our workforce during a graduation ceremony at the Tennessee Correction Academy in Tullahoma, Tennessee.  The ceremony celebrated the hard work of 51 Correctional Officers who will be serving the citizens of Tennessee by working in prisons across the state.

The Keynote speaker for the event was Staff Learning and Development Administrator Dorinda Carter, Ph.D.  Carter spoke to the class about planning for the future while working in the now.  “It is not a job everybody can do, it may not be the job you set out to do but we are grateful you are here and if you want to achieve even more than you have today…set a path for your future, honor the oath and become a leader of integrity for yourself, for your families and for the people of Tennessee” shared Carter.

During their weeks of training the class learned skills that will assist them in being effective correctional officers.  Classes on leadership, effective listening and interviewing techniques, teamwork and defense skills were taught during the six-week academy. The following special awards were given to those students who excelled:

·         True Grit Award: Officer Jimmy Terry (BCCX) and Officer Lakeia Wells (RMSI)

·         Academic Award: Officer Alex Miner (DSNF) and Officer Dylan Daugherty (MCCX)

·         Physical Fitness Award: Officer Christopher Weidner (BCCX) and Officer Makayla Burnett (WTSP)

·         Superintendent Award and $5,000 Scholarship from Bethel University: Officer Xavier Bussell

Today’s graduates will return to their respective facilities where they will be assigned a facility-based mentor.  During the mentorship period the officers will apply their newfound skills to the prison environment with the goal of enhancing public safety. 

BCOT Graduating Class