Bledsoe County Correctional Complex

Wednesday, April 01, 2020 | 07:45pm

NASHVILLE – Three inmates at the Bledsoe County Correctional Complex may have potentially been exposed to a non-state employee who tested positive for COVID-19.  The inmates have been quarantined and have not currently presented with any symptoms.  Appropriate measures have been taken to ensure the safety, health and well-being of the inmates as well as staff. Those measures follow TDOC guidelines as well as those provided by the Department of Health and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC).

Disinfection and safety measures are ongoing and everyone is being reminded to continue practicing the recommendations from the CDC and Department of Health to help prevent spreading COVID-19:

  • Frequent hand-washing
  • Avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth
  • Use social distancing
  • Stay home if you are sick
  • Clean and disinfect often

The Department of Correction encourages members of the public to visit our website for Frequently Asked Questions Related T0 COVID-19.