TDEC Announces Morgan County Recreation Grant of $120,000

Tuesday, May 10, 2022 | 09:18am

The Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation (TDEC) today announced a $120,000 parks and recreation grant for Morgan County for a new restroom and concession facility at Coalfield Community Park.

The grant is part of $6,370,000 awarded to communities throughout the state from the Local Parks and Recreation Fund (LPRF) program and the Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) program. The state is also awarding $448,000 in grants from the Recreation Trails Program (RTP).

“Local leaders need resources to provide recreational activities for their communities, and this is a way to help make it happen,” TDEC Deputy Commissioner Jim Bryson said. “We are pleased to announce these grants and look forward to the recreation projects that result from this assistance.”

The project for Coalfield Community Park will replace an old restroom and concession facility that has been removed. The new facility will be approximately 55x68 feet and be fully ADA compliant. The project will include ADA parking and walkway access.

“I’m pleased these improvements are coming to Coalfield Community Park. I identified the need for this project on a visit to the site with TDEC Commissioner David Salyers in 2019,” said Sen. Ken Yager, R-Kingston. “The project will ensure the park is an up-to-date, attractive and accessible destination for residents. I applaud Morgan County officials for securing the funding, and look forward to seeing the end result.”

“This is a wonderful development for the Coalfield community,” said Rep. John Mark Windle, D-Livingston. “This grant to improve the Coalfield Community Park will enhance the quality of life for the entire area. My thanks to everyone, and particularly those at TDEC, who made this all possible.” 

The LPRF program provides state funding for the purchase of land for parks, natural areas, greenways, and recreational facilities. LPRF funds also may be used for trail development and capital projects in parks, natural areas, and greenways. The LWCF program provides grants to states to administer to state and local governments for the acquisition and development of public outdoor recreation areas and facilities. The grants require a 50-percent match.

The RTP is a federally funded, state administered grant program, providing funds for land acquisition for trails, trail maintenance, trail construction, trail rehabilitation, and trail head support facilities. These grants are distributed in the form of an 80-percent grant with a 20-percent match.