Flooding Resources

While TDEC does not directly regulate flooding, some programs may address elements of this multilayered issue. TDEC has developed the following guidance documents to help bring awareness to the issue:

Short-term Response to Flooding: A Guide for Communities and Local Governments: This document is a “Frequently Asked Questions” guide that provides information in the hours, days and weeks following a flood event. It contains a discussion of stream channel mitigation and bank stability, damage/blocking to culverts, and contains a comprehensive list of resources available from other agencies for flood related concerns.

A Tennessee Landowner's Guide to Streambank Protection and Stabilization: This document provides an overview of practical options for streambank protection. It is designed to help landowners understand how streams behave, to provide the best methods for preventing streams from excessively eroding, and to help discern if a permit is needed for activities performed in a stream, such as debris removal.

TDEC does regulate the quality of stormwater runoff from certain industrial, commercial and development sites through the NPDES Stormwater Permitting Program. The NPDES stormwater program regulates stormwater discharges from three potential sources: municipal separate storm sewer systems (MS4s), construction activities, and industrial activities.

State law authorizes municipalities and counties to adopt stormwater ordinances or resolutions.

Fleming Training Center

The Fleming Training Center offers advanced classes in a variety of water and wastewater areas and assists 4,000+ certified operators with their certification and continuing education requirements.

Predatory Land Sales

TDEC has collected strategies to deal with companies that purchase land that is not suitable for development and lease “rent to own” parcels to unsuspecting citizens.

Outdoor Recreation

In addition to providing local recreation planning assistance, the Office of Outdoor Recreation is responsible for administering the following federal and state grant programs to local governments: Local Parks and Recreation Fund (LPRF), Recreational Trails Program (RTP), and Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) grants. 

Small Business Environmental Assistance

SBEAP helps Tennessee small businesses understand and comply with environmental regulations. SBEAP assistance is free, non-regulatory, and confidential. Generally, SBEAP defines a small business as one not employing a full-time staff member for environmental compliance or oversight.  

TDEC Newsletters

Each External Affairs Regional Director produces a monthly or quarterly newsletter with helpful information for stakeholders in that particular region. In addition, the Office of Communications produces a monthly newsletter for the Department. Sign up here.