Haslam Part of Amicus Brief Challenging Obamacare

Monday, February 13, 2012 | 07:35am

Republican Governors Public Policy Committee files brief questioning constitutionality

NASHVILLE – Tennessee Gov. Bill Haslam today expressed his support of a brief filed with the U.S. Supreme Court by the Republican Governor Public Policy Committee (RGPPC) arguing against the constitutionality of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.

The amicus brief, filed by the RGPPC of which Haslam is a member, is the first ever submitted to the Supreme Court by the committee.

“The Obama administration’s approach is an unaffordable healthcare mandate that is a significant overstep of the federal government’s authority,” Haslam said.

“I’m committed to controlling health care costs and finding meaningful ways to improve the health of Tennesseans by encouraging healthy choices, personal responsibility and accountability.  Forcing mandates on states and individuals is the wrong approach, and if Obamacare is implemented, healthcare costs will rise significantly, putting a serious strain on state budgets across this country.”

A year ago Haslam joined other governors in sending a letter to President Barack Obama asking him to expedite the legal process for cases regarding Obamacare.

The full brief filed by the RGPPC can be found here.