Haslam Announces Transportation Grant for Ducktown

Thursday, July 11, 2013 | 12:56pm

Grant to fund new sidewalks, crosswalks, street lighting and landscaping

DUCKTOWN – Tennessee Gov. Bill Haslam and Tennessee Department of Transportation (TDOT) Commissioner John Schroer announced today a $256,791 transportation grant for Ducktown to replace sidewalks and install new street lighting, landscaping and new crosswalks at the intersection of Main Street and State Route 68.
The project is Phase I of the Pedestrian Enhancement Project located on Main Street within Ducktown’s historic downtown area. The improvements are the first in a two-phase project to rehabilitate Main Street.

“This project will improve safety and mobility for pedestrians while also promoting the redevelopment of downtown Ducktown,” Haslam said. “Tennessee’s downtowns are the heart of our communities, and projects such as this help strengthen the livability of our communities and the quality of life for residents.”

“Through these grants, TDOT has funded more than $294 million in non-traditional transportation projects,” Schroer said. “This program has assisted communities all over the state in their efforts to revitalize downtowns, highlight historic areas, provide alternative means of transportation, and increase opportunities for economic development.”

The transportation alternative grant is made possible through a federally-funded program formerly known as transportation enhancement and is administered by TDOT.

A variety of activities such as the restoration of historic facilities, bike and pedestrian trails, landscaping and other non-traditional transportation projects are eligible for grant funds under the federal program.

State Sen. Mike Bell (R-Riceville) and state Rep. Eric Watson (R-Cleveland) represent Polk County in the Tennessee General Assembly.