Haslam Issues Statements on Rep. Beth Harwell's Nomination for Another Term as House Speaker and the Election of Republican Caucus Leadership Positions

Friday, November 18, 2016 | 03:26pm

NASHVILLE – Tennessee Gov. Bill Haslam issued the following statement on the nomination of Rep. Beth Harwell to another term as speaker of the House of Representatives:

“Speaker Harwell has been central to the conservative leadership of Tennessee, cutting taxes, shrinking government, and providing great service to our citizens, and I look forward to continuing that work together.

“I also congratulate Rep. Curtis Johnson for being nominated to serve again as speaker pro tem and thank him for his continued leadership in the General Assembly.”

Haslam also recognized the Republican Caucus’ 110th General Assembly leadership team:

“Rep. Glen Casada, the new House majority leader, and Rep. David Hawk, new assistant majority leader, have both been great partners and I look forward to their leadership as we work together to advance public policy, save taxpayer dollars, and continue the fiscally conservative progress we have made to move Tennessee forward.

“I also want to congratulate Rep. Ryan Williams, newly elected caucus chairman, and Rep. Dennis Powers, who was elected caucus vice chairman, and thank them for not only being caucus leaders, but for their continued work to help make Tennessee a better place to live, work and raise a family. 

“And congratulations to Rep. Micah Van Huss, Rep. Timothy Hill and Rep. Dawn White who were elected to floor leader, majority whip, and caucus secretary, respectively. I look forward to working with them next legislative session.”