Battle of the Belt


Battle of the Belt TN is an evidence-based program for Tennessee high schools designed to reduce motor vehicle injuries and fatalities by increasing
seat belt use. 

In the past, Battle of the Belt was a statewide competition.  In 2023 the program was changed so schools can conduct independent educational programming without competing with other schools. 
This is a program your school can conduct to change seat belt behavior in your school community.

We recommend your school’s program begin in December and occur during the spring semester.  Schools improve seat belt use by conducting a student-led educational program and three unannounced seat belt checks with faculty advisor support. Schools can document and showcase educational programs, seat belt use increase, and/or maintaining a high seat belt use rate and share with students, faculty, parents, and
community partners.

To encourage the community to always use their seatbelts, many schools have created digital scrapbooks, school websites, public service announcements, and social media initiatives to share with others.

The Tennessee Department of Health developed the program and is supported by the Tennessee Department of Education, the Tennessee Injury Prevention Coalition, level-one trauma centers, and many other partners.

How Does Battle of the Belt TN Work?

Follow the instructions in the  Battle of the Belt Resource Kit to develop a timeline and plan to educate students, staff, and faculty about seatbelt use.
Use the Seat Belt Check form to complete three unannounced seat belt observations at campus entrances to track behavior change. These checks should be before any education begins, one month after education begins, and at the end of the program.
Create a digital scrapbook documenting the educational events, seat belt check data, and other
important progress.
Share your completed scrapbook with community partners, school officials, students, and the Tennessee Department of Health (optional).

Battle of the Belt Student Teams are encouraged to conduct creative, engaging, semester-long programing to improve seat belt use rates.  Social media (videos, images, twitter, etc.), email blasts, presentations, announcements, flyers, contests, etc. are also strongly encouraged.

If you have questions, please email Terrence Love at or call 615-532-7778.

Past Winners Include:

Bledsoe County High School

Hixson High School

Memphis East High School

Science Hill High School ( New )

Summertown High School

Sullivan East High School

Unaka High School

Unicoi High School