Blood parasite

TEST NAME Blood parasite
METHODOLOGY Morphology and PCR
ORDERING INFORMATION TDH DLS Requisition:  PH-4182 Clinical Submission Requisition Form

Specimen Requirements

Patient Preparation
  • None
Specimen Collection
  • Giesma stained Thick and Thin Smears AND
  • EDTA blood, 3 - 5 mL
Specimen Labeling
  • Specimen must be labeled with at least two unique patient identifiers and match accompanying PH-4182 Clinical Submission Requisition.
Specimen Processing
  • Prepare Thick and Thin Smears and stain with Giesma stain prior to shipment.
Specimen Storage and Preservation
  • Store EDTA specimens at 2 - 8°C prior to shipment.
Specimen Transportation
  • Place slides in plastic or cardboard slide holder before packing for shipping.
  • Ship specimens at 2 - 8°C.
  • All infectious substance shipments must conform to U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) Hazardous Materials Regulations (HMR 49 C.F.R. Parts 171-180). 
Specimen Acceptability and Rejection
  • Acceptable criteria for specimen testing:  

-  Thick and thin blood smears must be sent and examined for the presence of              malaria.  If species level determination cannot be made based upon                              morphological characteristics, malaria PCR will be performed.

-  From a patient with a febrile illness who is strongly suspected of having                        malaria (regardless of blood smear result) or a species that cannot be                          determined after careful examination. 

-  From donors to a patient who developed malaria following blood                                    transfusion. 

-  If Ebola is suspected,  it should be ruled out before being sent for malaria                    testing.

  • Unsatisfactory specimens include, but may not be limited to:

-  Specimen was broken or leaked in transit

-  The incorrect preservative was used

-  The specimen was greater than four (4) months old, if PCR testing is                              required. 

-  Specimen is not indentified properly (i.e. information does not match the                   accompanying requisition)

-  Insufficient amount of specimen submitted for testing

Testing Location
  • Nashville

This Page Last Updated: April 11, 2024 at 12:20 PM