Sumner County teachers take flight with Tennessee Guardsmen

Thursday, October 28, 2021 | 12:55pm

NASHVILLE, Tenn. There are numerous thrill-inducing occupations the Tennessee National Guard has to offer but few are as exhilarating as a UH-60 Blackhawk crewmember. There is nothing quite as breath-taking as sitting in an open door aircraft watching the ground fall away while vertically accelerating into the horizon at hundreds of feet per minute; the best way to explain it, is to experience it.

Over the weekend, teachers from across Sumner County experienced a preview of what aviators and crewmembers from Tennessee’s 1-230th Assault Helicopter Battalion do on a monthly basis during an introductory, educational flight over the Nashville skyline, Oct. 16.

“This experience was truly one of the highlights of my life; this was a once in a lifetime opportunity that I was so fortunate to have,” said Angela Bowles a Sumner County high school teacher of 16 years. “It gave me chills, anxiety, appreciation, excitement, and perspective all at the same time on what our military does.”

Students spend nearly 6 hours a day, five days a week for nearly 12 years with their teachers, who for many are their link to learning about various future career fields. The Tennessee National Guard provided these teachers with a hands-on learning experience as a way to understand what the Guard does for the community and the benefits they offer for interested students.

“As an educator, my personal experiences that I can share with my class leaves a lasting impression on my students,” said Bowles. “I am able to show them photographs, tell them things I learned, and engage them with different experiences and paths for their future.”

Once the teachers arrived at Nashville’s Berry Field, they met with the crew and pilots and received an overview of the aircraft while learning of the educational benefits the military provides. Then they took off from Berry Field, coasted along the Cumberland River, and circled the downtown Nashville area.

“Needless to say, I have a new understanding of the Guard now. Thank you Tennessee National Guard for opening this experience up to educators, it is one I will never forget,” said Bowles.

Teachers from across Sumner County experienced a preview of what aviators and crewmembers do on a monthly basis during an introductory, educational flight over the Nashville skyline with the 1-230th Assault Helicopter Battalion, Oct. 16. (Photo by Sgt. 1st Class Jeremiah Borrajo)

Teachers from across Sumner County experienced a preview of what aviators and crewmembers do on a monthly basis during an introductory, educational flight over the Nashville skyline with the 1-230th Assault Helicopter Battalion, Oct. 16. (Photo by Sgt. 1st Class Jeremiah Borrajo)

Teachers from across Sumner County board 1-230th Assault Helicopter Battalion’s UH-60 Blackhawk monthly basis during an introductory, educational flight over the Nashville skyline, Oct. 16. (Photo by Sgt. 1st Class Jeremiah Borrajo)

Teachers from across Sumner County board 1-230th Assault Helicopter Battalion’s UH-60 Blackhawk monthly basis during an introductory, educational flight over the Nashville skyline, Oct. 16. (Photo by Sgt. 1st Class Jeremiah Borrajo)

Teachers from across Sumner County experienced a preview of what aviators and crewmembers do on a monthly basis during an introductory, educational flight over the Nashville skyline with the 1-230th Assault Helicopter Battalion, Oct. 16. (Photo by Sgt. 1st Class Jeremiah Borrajo)

Teachers from across Sumner County experienced a preview of what aviators and crewmembers do on a monthly basis during an introductory, educational flight over the Nashville skyline with the 1-230th Assault Helicopter Battalion, Oct. 16. (Photo by Sgt. 1st Class Jeremiah Borrajo)