Biofuels Top Agenda for Annual Forage and Grassland Conference

Sunday, October 14, 2007 | 07:00pm

NASHVILLE, Tenn. – The Tennessee Forage and Grassland Council will hold its annual meeting and tradeshow on Nov. 2 at Ellington Agricultural Center’s Ed Jones Auditorium in Nashville.



“If you want to know about growing switchgrass and other biofuels, this is the meeting for you,” says Charles Hord, livestock marketing specialist with the Tennessee Department of Agriculture. 

“It seems like everyone is talking about switchgrass and wondering how to grow it and whether it’ll truly be a crop of the future.  A panel of experts representing the University of Tennessee and U.T. Martin will be on hand to answer these questions and many more.” 

Other topics scheduled for the annual event include forage and pasture management for drought recovery and forage production for goats.  

Registration begins at 8:30 a.m. and the meeting begins at 9 a.m. CDT.  A $25 registration fee covers the cost of membership in the Tennessee Forage and Grassland Council, lunch and a printed copy of the day’s proceedings.  The meeting will conclude by 3 p.m.

An accompanying trade show offers producers a look at and a lesson about the constantly changing technology necessary to make the best decisions for their farms and for their buyers.  The day’s events also include a silent auction provided by the major seed, chemical and pharmaceutical companies participating in the tradeshow.

For more information about the Tennessee Forage and Grassland Council, contact your county’s University of Tennessee Extension office, U.T. forage specialist Gary Bates at (865) 974-7208, or TDA’s Charles Hord at (615) 837-5304.

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