Get Local, Get Real Green at Area Christmas Tree Farms

Monday, November 19, 2007 | 06:00pm

NASHVILLE, Tenn. – “Christmas tree farms grow a completely renewable and recyclable resource which contains no petroleum products and leaves a very small carbon footprint,” says Tennessee Department of Agriculture horticulture marketing specialist Rob Beets. “Buy a natural tree this year from a nearby farm, and you’ll give a great holiday gift to the environment and to local farmers.”

“Lots of people don’t think about where plastics – and therefore artificial trees – come from,” says Beets. “Plastic is made with petroleum products. Lead, an ingredient in PVC (polyvinyl chloride) plastic, and other metals, are also important parts of an artificial tree. Fake trees don’t biodegrade, and chances are they’ve traveled a long way, leaving a huge carbon footprint to get to the store or your home. About 85 percent of them start in China, but they’ll end up sitting in our landfills for centuries.”

“In contrast, natural Christmas trees are completely recyclable, and are close to home, waiting to be transported only from the farm to your living room, leaving a carbon footprint of just about nothing,” says Beets. “While they’re growing, natural Christmas trees absorb carbon dioxide and other gases and emit fresh oxygen. Christmas Trees are often grown on soil that doesn’t support other crops, and their root systems serve to stabilize soil, protect area water quality and provide refuge for wildlife.” Grown on farms, one to three new seedlings are planted for every tree harvested to ensure a constant supply.

“If you choose a cut tree, after the holidays you can take it to a local site to be turned into mulch for area trails. Some people also like to place their old trees in their ponds or favorite fishing spots to serve as fish habitats. No matter what you do with it, it’s 100 percent biodegradable.”

“There’s also the option to buy a balled and burlapped live tree to replant once the holidays are over. The grower at the farm will be happy to give you tips on how to plant and care for your transplanted tree. Buying a live tree from a farm close to you is a guarantee that the variety you choose will grow well in your area, an assurance you can’t always get other places.”

“When you visit a Tennessee Christmas tree farm, you don’t just do the planet a favor – you give yourself a treat, too,” says the specialist. “Local tree growers depend on loyal customers, so they make sure you can’t wait to come back year after year for a great holiday experience. Most tree farms carry freshly made wreaths and garlands, and many have gift shops on site with all sorts of holiday décor inside. Lots of farmers offer complimentary hot chocolate or cider, some have hayrides. Some growers even conduct on-farm holiday craft classes or host special events which might even include a visit from Santa.”

“Tennessee has Christmas tree farms from one end of the state to the other,” says Beets. “Find the ones closest to you by visiting the Web site and clicking on the Christmas tree for a statewide directory. Always call ahead and confirm hours of operation and activities.”

For more information about local Tennessee farm products, visit

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