Tennessee Cancer Coalition is Partnering for Progress

Tuesday, May 08, 2007 | 07:00pm

The Tennessee Comprehensive Cancer Control Coalition (TCCCC) will hold its 3rd Annual Summit on the Burden of Cancer in Tennessee on May 10 and 11, 2007, at the Park Vista Hotel in Gatlinburg. The theme this year is “Partnering for Progress.” 

A press conference will take place at 11:30 a.m. on Friday, May 11, at the Park Vista Hotel to announce TCCCC’s support of the Tennessee Smoke-free Workplace legislation. Featured speakers will include TCCCC advocacy chair John Chiramonte and TCCCC chairman John L. Bell, MD. 

Speakers at the Summit will also discuss the Tennessee Cancer Registry, which for the first time has met criteria to have its data published in the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention U.S. Cancer Statistics Incidence and Mortality Report. This document provides a set of official, federal statistics on cancer incidence and is widely used by researchers. The information can be used to monitor cancer trends over time, determine cancer patterns in various populations, guide planning and evaluation of cancer control programs, and help set priorities for allocating health resources.

TCCCC is a group of more than 340 individuals from more than 70 organizations and institutions charged with raising awareness of cancer and reducing the burden of the disease on the citizens of Tennessee. Program goals include lowering the number of cancer cases by providing clear and effective prevention efforts, detecting cancer in earlier stages when successful treatment is more likely, and making quality treatment more accessible and equitable.

Cancer takes far too many lives in Tennessee, and we are committed to reducing these

fatalities,” said John L. Bell, MD, TCCCC chairman. “The Summit allows our Coalition members to share ideas and learn about innovative new ways to prevent and treat this disease. As a result of this collaboration, the lives of Tennessee citizens will be improved.” 

In 2004, almost 26,800 Tennesseans were diagnosed with some form of cancer. In

2005, nearly 13,000 died from cancer. Experts say more than half of all cancers are

related to personal lifestyle or environmental factors such as smoking and diet, and are therefore preventable. When cancer does develop, early detection can lead to effective treatment for most cancers and is the key for saving lives. 

 “We want Tennessee’s health care providers and all citizens to be aware of the toll cancer is taking on our state, and what each of us can do to improve our somber statistics,” said Trudy Stein-Hart, program manager for the Tennessee Comprehensive Cancer Control Program. 

The 2007 Summit begins Thursday, May 10, with an evening reception and time for participants to meet with vendors. Breakout sessions on Friday, May 11, include presentations on the connection between cancer and nutrition, genetic testing for cancer risk, new approaches to lung cancer, and barbers as health advocates in minority communities. The keynote speaker is Steve Baumrucker, M.D., medical director of both Adventa Hospice and Palliative Care Inpatient Services. Baumrucker is also co-editor in chief of the American Journal of Hospice and Palliative Care, and has served as chief resident and clinical instructor at East Tennessee State University Family Practice. 

The Coalition is actively recruiting members for all regional chapters. To get more information about joining TCCCC or about the Summit, visit the Department of Health Web site at http://www2.state.tn.us/health/CCCP/2007_Summit.htm. You may also contact Trudy Stein-Hart at 615-741-1638 or toll free at 1-800-547-3558, or e-mail her at Trudy.Stein-Hart@state.tn.us

Press Releases | Health