GED Now Campaign Taken to Employers

Wednesday, September 05, 2007 | 07:00pm

NASHVILLE - The Tennessee Department of Labor and Workforce Development is partnering with Governor Phil Bredesen and his education priorities by taking the department’s GED NOW campaign to employers. Employers across the state will soon be hearing from the department’s Employer Service Specialists with information about the benefits of educating workers and assisting them in getting a GED. Presentations will also be given at Workforce Employer Outreach Committee (WEOC) meetings that local employers attend quarterly. 



In June, Governor Bredesen approved new funding for Tennessee’s Adult Education program that increased teacher pay, and allowed additional testing and instruction.  The additional $2.5 million in funding is also paying for the GED test fee.

“We are already working with several employers across the state that are reaping the benefits of educating their workers,” said Commissioner James Neeley.  “As more employers begin to partner with us, we will soon see the benefits to our communities and Tennessee’s economy as well.”

“I commend Governor Bredesen and Commissioner Neeley and the General Assembly in working to pass the new funding for Tennessee’s Adult Education Program,” said Adult Education Administrator Phil White.  “As more employers catch on to the benefits of using our program to better educate their workers they will see more productivity and commitment from their employees.

To request the GED Now brochure and information about a presentation please contact Danna Douglas at (615) 741-7374 or email For Adult Education Programs across the state and more information on the GED test go to or call 1-800-531-1515.

Press Releases | Labor & Workforce Development