Governor Bredesen Celebrates MTSU Aerospace Flight Training Program

Thursday, October 30, 2008 | 10:45am
MURFREESBORO, Tenn. - Governor Phil Bredesen today attended a ceremony celebrating the arrival of eight DA40 Diamond Star aircraft for the Middle Tennessee State University Aerospace Program in Murfreesboro, Tenn.
"These high-quality aircraft will train the next generation of aerospace professionals right here in Tennessee and give our students the experience they need to succeed in the major airlines, the military, or wherever their career path leads them," said Bredesen.
The Governor also praised MTSU for its forward-thinking approach that allows the aerospace flight-training program to continue to excel even in tough economic times.
Bredesen’s comments continued, “With more than 700 students, the MTSU Aerospace Department is one of the great assets of our state’s higher education system. This is one of the very best aerospace programs in the country, and we’re proud of that. And given the current budget situation, here’s what I like most about these planes: No state money is being used to buy them.
“The aerospace flight training program is self-supported through revenue generated from flight training and training contracts, and the students are truly the ones who reap the benefits, because it allows them access to state-of-the-art technology and equipment.
“This is the kind of forward-thinking approach that underscores how a great university like MTSU can find ways to excel despite tough economic times. In this economic climate, we are faced with making difficult decisions about where to trim back spending at all levels of government and in higher education. But the fact is there’s still a lot of good news out there. Our universities are continuing to find ways to provide a top-quality education to our students and to find ways to expand and improve opportunities for them, just like the MTSU Aerospace program is doing.
“I wish you all the best of success with this new fleet, and I congratulate the faculty and staff on a job well done.”

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