Bredesen Concludes Open Budget Hearings

Tuesday, November 25, 2008 | 07:21am
 NASHVILLE - Governor Phil Bredesen concluded his seventh round of open state budget hearings on Tuesday, November 25, at the State Capitol in Nashville. Upon taking office in 2003, Bredesen made a commitment to open the budget process to give Tennesseans full view of how their tax dollars fund state government. As he concluded this year’s open budget hearings, Bredesen reiterated several points regarding the FY 2009-2010 budget.
“I hope we all have a sense of just how difficult this process is going to be. We’re going to have to make some tough decisions and cut some things none of us would choose to cut otherwise,” Bredesen said. “But we’ve got to make the tough decisions that taxpayers expect us to make, and we’re going to do it. Based on what I’ve heard from commissioners and agency heads over the past week and a half, I’m confident we have the ability to manage our way through this.”
Bredesen indicated the budget will include a combination of reductions in spending and drawing down reserves, but stressed the need to preserve as much of those reserves as possible. “No one knows how long this economic situation will last, and we need to make sure we have enough in our savings to also help next year’s budget if need be,” he said.
He said he would do his best to protect funding for pre-K through 12 education. “I’m not sure we’ll be able to accomplish that, but I’m absolutely committed to protecting those dollars,” Bredesen said.
Video of the State of Tennessee’s FY 2009-2010 open budget hearings is archived online.  Go to and click on “Budget Hearings – Watch 2009-2010 Video Now.”

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