Advisory: Governor's Energy Task Force Meets Tuesday in Nashville

Monday, December 15, 2008 | 05:29am

Bredesen to Sign Executive Order Requiring Energy Star Purchasing

NASHVILLE — Governor Phil Bredesen on Tuesday (12/16) will convene the eighth meeting of the Governor’s Task Force on Energy Policy as part of the ongoing process to develop a new state energy plan. This will be the task force’s final meeting of 2008. Media and the public are invited to attend.
At the meeting, Bredesen is expected to sign a new executive order requiring use of Energy Star equipment and appliances in executive branch state agencies. Energy Star is a labeling program operated by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) to identify and promote energy-efficient products, including office equipment, appliances, lighting, and heating and cooling products and systems.
The Task Force is a 17-member panel that includes key state officials as well as representatives of business, environmental and other interests. Tomorrow, the group will make final recommendations to help Tennessee become a leader in energy efficiency and conservation, development of clean-energy technology, and use of alternative fuels and renewable energy sources.
Live streaming video of the meeting will be available at
WHAT:   Governor’s Energy Task Force Meeting — Nashville
WHO:    Governor Phil Bredesen and Task Force Members
WHEN:   9 a.m. CST, Tuesday, December 16
  Note: Meeting is expected to last approximately three hours, with a break in the middle to allow for media availability with the Governor.
WHERE:  State Capitol  — Ground Floor, Executive Conference Room — Nashville, Tenn.

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