Bredesen Touts Energy for Tennessee State Government

Tuesday, December 16, 2008 | 04:16am

NASHVILLE - Governor Phil Bredesen today signed Executive Order #59 requiring use of efficient Energy Star qualified equipment and appliances in all executive branch state agencies.

Energy Star is a widely accepted labeling program jointly operated by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the U.S. Department of Energy. The program is designed to identify and promote energy-efficient products to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
The directive is an initial result of recommendations from the Governor’s Task Force on Energy Policy, which met today for the final time this year. Additional executive orders and legislation are expected as state government improves efforts to “lead by example” in the areas of energy efficiency and conservation.
“Energy Star is a widely recognized brand name that translates to immediate energy savings and long-term benefits to the environment,” Bredesen said. “I’m proud to sign this order officially kicking off state government’s increased efforts to lead by example in energy efficiency and conservation.”
At least 20 states have taken similar steps, according to the National Governors Association. Among other steps, Bredesen’s latest executive order requires:
·  All future office equipment, appliances, lighting, and heating and cooling products and systems purchased by and for executive branch state agencies shall be Energy Star qualified, provided that such Energy Star qualified products and systems are commercially available; and
·   Purchasing contracts that do not provide as options Energy Star qualified office equipment, appliances, lighting, and heating and cooling products and systems shall not be renewed upon expiration. Subsequent contracts shall provide as options Energy Star qualified office equipment, appliances, lighting, and heating and cooling products and systems.
The Governor’s Task Force on Energy Policy is a 17-member panel that includes key state officials as well as representatives of business, environmental and other interests. The group is charged with making recommendations to help Tennessee become a leader in energy efficiency and conservation, development of clean-energy technology, and use of alternative fuels and renewable energy sources.
More information is available online at and

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