Winter Is A Good Time To View Eagles

Tuesday, February 05, 2008 | 06:00pm

During winter, many people confine their activities to the indoors instead of the out-ofdoors. If cabin fever is starting to affect you, the Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency (TWRA) recommends grabbing a pair of binoculars or a spotting scope and taking a trip to view some of Tennessee’s wintertime visitors. Winter is a great time to view eagles and other birds of prey.

Wintering Bald Eagles begin arriving in Tennessee in late October and peak in late January to mid-February. By April, most have returned to their primary nesting grounds in southern Canada and the Great Lakes states, although Tennessee does have several Bald Eagles that nest in the state and stay year round.

TWRA has just conducted its mid-winter eagle count and this year’s survey showed approximately 200 Bald Eagles in West Tennessee. The largest concentrations were viewed around Reelfoot Lake, Kentucky Lake and Pickwick Lake.

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