Riverbend Inmates Give to Tornado Victim

Monday, March 17, 2008 | 07:00pm

NASHVILLE, Tenn. - More than 100 inmates housed at the Riverbend Maximum Security Institution are lending support to the tiniest victim of the February tornadoes.  The inmates have donated $244.68 to a trust fund for 11-month-old Kyson Stowell.  The infant survived the storm that tore through the town of Castilian Springs.  His mother was killed when their home was destroyed.

After learning of Kyson’s story, Riverbend inmates pulled together to give.  Most of the inmates earn 17 to 54 cents an hour from jobs at the institution.  They had the opportunity to use their money to order food from the free world, but decided instead to give to baby Kyson.

The inmates’ donations were sent to Suntrust Bank.  The bank sent a letter thanking the inmates for their contribution on behalf of the family and letting them know their donations will help give Kyson a promising future.

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