Tennessee Public Health Veterinarian Wins CDC Award

Thursday, May 08, 2008 | 07:00pm

John Dunn, DVM, PhD, public health veterinarian with the Department of Health, has been honored by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention with the 2008 James H. Steele Veterinary Public Health Award. This annual award recognizes a current or recent Epidemic Intelligence Service officer for outstanding contributions in the investigation, control or prevention of zoonotic diseases or other animal-related human health problems. The award was presented April 18 at the EIS Conference in Atlanta.

“I am delighted Dr. Dunn has been chosen for this prestigious award,” said Susan R. Cooper, MSN, RN, Tennessee Commissioner of Health. “It is not only a tremendous honor for him, but for the Department and the people of Tennessee as well. Dr. Dunn’s work is helping keep all of us safer from diseases that can be passed from animals to humans.”

Dunn was nominated for the award by Frederick J. Angulo, DVM, PhD, of the CDC. In his nomination letter, Angulo praised Dunn for “the high quality of scientific and programmatic activities…as well as the original, collaborative and creative ways in which he has impacted public health.”

Dunn is an internationally recognized expert in foodborne and zoonotic diseases. The CDC award recognizes his work in the prevention of diseases transmitted to people from animals in public settings such as petting zoos. Dunn has presented workshops and seminars at multiple scientific, academic, industry and public health meetings in the United States and internationally.  He has conducted important outbreak investigations including an E. coli O157 outbreak following the 2004 North Carolina State Fair. He led the CDC’s effort to develop national recommendations to prevent disease and injury associated with animals in public settings. Dunn has also conducted numerous investigations of foodborne illnesses and outbreaks as an EIS officer.

“I’m honored to have received the James H. Steele Veterinary Public Health Award from CDC,” said Dunn. “Dr. Steele paved the way for many veterinarians to work in public health. The award represents the efforts of many public health colleagues and coworkers.”

Dunn currently serves as State Public Health Veterinarian and Director of Foodborne, Vectorborne and Zoonotic Diseases for TDOH. He holds an appointment as Assistant Clinical Professor of Preventive Medicine in the Department of Preventive Medicine at Vanderbilt University School of Medicine and is an adjunct faculty member at the University of Tennessee College of Veterinary Medicine. He also serves as co-chair of the National Association of State Public Health Veterinarians committee on Animals in Public Settings, and has been recognized with a U.S. Public Health Service Citation for his work with this organization. He has also received an Outstanding Unit Citation and Distinguished Service Award from the CDC for his work as part of a team deployed to Texas to assist in relocation and sheltering of evacuees from Hurricane Katrina.

Dunn, a Nashville native, earned three degrees from Louisiana State University:  a bachelor’s degree in zoology, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine and PhD in veterinary medical sciences.

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