Tennessee Rural Health Act of 2008

Friday, July 18, 2008 | 10:23am

NASHVILLE - A five-year pilot program has been established for the 2008-09 academic year that will provide financial assistance to students pursuing a degree in health care or dentistry. The goal of the program is to encourage health care providers and dentists to practice in Tennessee health resource shortage areas after becoming licensed. The amount of the award will be $12,000 or the cost of tuition, mandatory fees, books, and equipment, whichever is less. 

In order to qualify for the program, a student must:
  • Be an in-state student on the date of application for the scholarship and on the date of reapplication each academic year
  • Be admitted to and enrolled in an eligible, accredited, postsecondary institution
  • Maintain satisfactory progress in the program of study the student is enrolled
  • Agree to practice medicine or dentistry in a health resource shortage area after becoming licensed for the number of years the scholarship is received
  • Not accept any other financial assistance that carries a service obligation after graduation (except for a service obligation in the United States Armed Forces Reserve or National Guard)
  • Sign a promissory note each year the scholarship is awarded that stipulates the cash obligation incurred on the student if the medical or dental service is not fulfilled 

A total of 25 students will be awarded the Tennessee Rural Health Scholarship during the 2008-09 academic year. By the program’s second year, the number of recipients will double and total 50. In the first and fifth years of the pilot program, $300,000 will be allotted to students. Additionally, $600,000 will be allotted for the second, third, and fourth years.

Awards will be made for the 2008-09 academic year. For scholarship eligibility, the deadline for students to submit their application is September 1, 2008. For more information regarding applying and eligibility for the Tennessee Rural Health Scholarship Program and other financial assistance programs, log on to www.CollegePaysTN.com

Press Releases | Tennessee Student Assistance Corporation