Tennessee Department of Education Releases 2009 Report Card

Tuesday, November 03, 2009 | 02:39am

NASHVILLE – The Tennessee Department of Education today released the annual comprehensive report card on pre-K – 12 education, including state, district and school-level information on achievement, demographics, and discipline. This year’s report card demonstrates fundamental changes to the calculations of Value Added and Achievement scores. The method of calculating scores and the scale used to determine letter grades have been revised to allow for a transition to the new standards and assessments required by the Tennessee Diploma Project.

“Because we have been on an aggressive path of improvement with the Tennessee Diploma Project, it was necessary to utilize this transition year to change our calculation methods and more accurately demonstrate student progress in an effort to pursue higher standards,” Education Commissioner Timothy Webb said.

Two major changes have been implemented for calculation of scores on the Report Card. First, the baseline year for comparing student achievement has been reset using 2009 test scores. Second, a new grade scale will be used. The scale used to determine all grades A through F has been dramatically revised, meaning scores considered to be an “A” proficient in years past may now be a “B” or “C”.

“Part of student success means setting the stage,” said Dr. Connie Smith, Assistant Commissioner of Accountability, Teaching and Learning. “With the Tennessee Diploma Project and recalibrating the Report Card, we’re setting the stage for our students to be more competitive and better prepared for career or college after high school.”

In 2007, the Tennessee Department of Education launched the Tennessee Diploma Project. The more rigorous curriculum and graduation requirements the TDP call for become effective this year. For more information on the TDP visit: http://www.tn.gov/tdp

To access Report Card data, please visit http://tn.gov/education/reportcard/index.shtml.

For more information, contact Rachel Woods at (615) 253-1960 or Rachel.Woods@tn.gov.

Press Releases | Education