Hatcher Dairy Announces Creamery Expansion

Thursday, July 30, 2009 | 09:11am

COLLEGE GROVE -The Hatcher Family Dairy in Williamson County, TN has expanded operation to include the Abe Hatcher Creamery, a state-of-the-art, 3,000 square foot bottling facility, on site. The addition of the creamery increases the dairy processing to more than 1600 gallons of milk per week immediately and a potential capacity over 2,000 gallons. Previously, Hatcher Family Dairy milk was processed at MTSU but limited to only 820 gallons per week.

A family farm since 1831 - for more than 175 years - Hatcher Dairy Farms creamery addition is an economic safeguard for the family farm to remain viable for generations to come. Charles Hatcher, a recent graduate of MTSU, returned to the farm to milk cows and help develop the family business.

“Investing in this bottling facility will allow us to keep the family farm regardless of pressure from urban development and today’s economy” says Hatcher. “We have a goal to provide all the milk we produce to local residents. This will increase sustainability of our farm and give consumers a fresh, quality product while decreasing the carbon foot print and food miles for all involved.”

America’s current economy has an effect on businesses of all sorts across the nation. Family farms are not immune to these circumstances. Tennessee alone saw 22 family owned dairy farms go out of business over the past year.

“The price farmers are paid for raw milk is at a 20-year low while fuel, feed, seed and other inputs are at a high” says Dan Strasser, director of market development for the Tennessee Department of Agriculture. “Farmers across the United States are looking for ways to diversify and add value to farm goods. The Hatcher Dairy expansion is a perfect example of innovative farm expansion.”

Jim Hatcher, uncle to Charles, is plant manager of the new on-farm facility. “Our main obstacle is knowing how much of which product to bottle” Jim explains. “We listen to our customers and provide them the quality dairy product they desire.” The current product line includes chocolate, skim, 2 percent, cream-line whole milk, butter milk and cream. The new bottling facility is dedicated in memory of Abe Hatcher, Jim’s father. “Family is very important to us and to our customers,” Jim says. “We all work together to keep the farm in operation.”

Abe Hatcher Creamery adds value to this family’s farm product and serves as one example of farm families working together to combat a poor economy.

To learn more about this family dairy, visit www.hatcherfamilydairy.com. You can also find other Tennessee farms selling directly to the public at www.picktnproducts.org.

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