TWRA Fisheries Division Preparing for AFS Annual Meeting in Nashville

Tuesday, August 04, 2009 | 03:29am

NASHVILLE --- The Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency Fisheries Division, along with other TWRA personnel, are in preparation for the American Fisheries Society annual meeting which will be held in Nashville on Aug. 30-Sept. 3.

The Nashville event will be the 139th annual meeting which has been held every year since 1870. The meeting was twice held in Memphis (1955 and ‘61), but this will be its first time in Nashville. The meeting will take place be held at the Renaissance Hotel and Nashville Convention Center.
“We are looking forward to having the AFS meeting coming to Nashville and returning to our state,” said Bobby Wilson, TWRA Assistant Fisheries Chief and general meeting chair for the event. “A lot of people have been working very hard in advance for the meeting.”
AFS is the world's oldest and largest organization dedicated to strengthening the fisheries profession, advancing fisheries science, and conserving fisheries resources.
Despite the effects of the present economy, attendance is expected to be from 1,650 to 1,900 persons from across the country and 15 other countries are expected to be represented as well. 
There will be 11 continuing education classes, 32 symposia, 15 concurrent sessions, nearly 1,000 presentations, and over 60 exhibitors at this meeting. The theme of the meeting this year is Diversity, the Foundation of Fisheries and of AFS; Are we gaining ground?

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