Wood Named Forestry Employee of the Year

Tuesday, October 05, 2010 | 09:28am
NASHVILLE – Sandra Wood was recently named the Tennessee Department of Agriculture Division of Forestry’s Employee of the Year. The award is presented annually to a division employee who shows outstanding efforts and work accomplishments for a particular year. Wood received her award at the division’s annual West Tennessee district meeting held last month.
“Sandra has been a tremendous asset in the West Tennessee district office. The technical and professional staff there, along with the citizens they serve, is fortunate to have such a dedicated individual working with them,” said State Forester Steven Scott.
Wood has served the division’s West Tennessee district as an administrative assistant since 1997. Before that she worked for the City of Lexington.
Wood was born and raised in Lexington, Tennessee and graduated from Lexington High School in 1983. She also attended the University of Tennessee – Martin and Jackson State University.
“I really enjoy working with everyone here at the district office. It’s a great group of people to work with and they’re always here when I need them,” said Wood. “I’ve learned a lot about forestry too.
Wood currently resides in Henderson County with her husband of 26 years and has one son. In addition to working for the Division of Forestry, she also serves on the Lexington Board of Alderman and is a member of the Lexington Altruistic Club. She enjoys gardening and spending time with family.

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