Dave Goetz, Commissioner of Finance and Administration, Announces Plans to Leave Bredesen Administration

Monday, November 08, 2010 | 09:48am
NASHVILLE – Governor Phil Bredesen today announced that Dave Goetz, Commissioner of Finance and Administration, is leaving the administration at the end of this week to join Ingenix, a health care information technology and services company. Goetz was appointed by Governor Bredesen in January 2003, and has been the only person to serve as Commissioner of Finance and Administration under Governor Bredesen.
During his time as Commissioner, Goetz helped Governor Bredesen stabilize the state’s finances, restore credibility to the state’s budgeting process, regained control of TennCare spending, implemented the Cover Tennessee programs, and helped restore top credit ratings from the major credit rating agencies.
Statement from Dave Goetz:
“It has been a privilege to serve Governor Bredesen and the state of Tennessee for nearly eight years. I appreciate the opportunity to have been a member of the Governor’s cabinet and to have served with so many talented and dedicated public servants.
“I am proud to have helped Governor Bredesen improve the way state government operates and to return accountability and trust to the way our state budgets and spends taxpayers dollars. Stabilizing TennCare, opening up the budgeting process to the public and regaining control over the state finances were important steps that allowed the Governor to make historic improvements to our state’s education systems and helped lead to the job development successes we’ve experienced in recent years. I thank Governor Bredesen for allowing me to be a part of his Administration and for the opportunity to serve our state.”
Statement from Governor Phil Bredesen:
“Dave has been a key part of my Administration’s success in ensuring state government lives within its means, and he’s been a true partner in helping restore the public’s confidence in the state’s budget. I appreciate his leadership, his dedication to our state and its citizens, and his willingness to help me tackle some of the toughest challenges I’ve dealt with during my time as Governor. Dave is an outstanding public servant, and I wish him well as he moves into the next phase of his career.”

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