Environment and Conservation Offers 2011 Motorized Trail Grant

Thursday, December 02, 2010 | 04:48am
February 15 Deadline Set for Grant Applications

NASHVILLEThe Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation’s Recreational Trails Program is soliciting grant applications from local governments for a new 2011 Motorized Trail grant, specifically designed to enhance motorized recreation trail opportunities. Applications will be accepted through February 15, 2011.

Local city or county government agencies are eligible to apply for funding through this RTP grant cycle. Nonprofit partnerships with government agencies must be official and in writing. Currently, the 2011 Motorized Trail grant cycle will fund only projects on government owned and operated land
Motorized trails are defined as off-road recreation using any motorized vehicle. Motorized use does not include the use of electric-powered wheelchairs or roads/trails where general highway passenger vehicles can travel. Eligible projects include off-road motorcycle, all-terrain vehicle or four-wheel drive trails.
“Earlier this year, we presented the Tennessee 2020 plan and our vision for recreational opportunities now and 10 years into the future,” said Environment and Conservation Commissioner Jim Fyke. “One of the many goals that came out of that in-depth public process was the need for more motorized off-road trails. This grant will help local governments develop or enhance this unique recreational resource, and expand outdoor opportunities for the benefit of their communities.” 
Grant funds may be used for the acquisition and development or development only of motorized trails and trailhead facilities, construction of new trails or maintenance of existing trails. Trail components and associated facilities, which serve the purpose and safe use of the recreational trail, include ADA-accessible facilities, restroom and water supplies, trail signage, trailhead kiosks, trail/road crossings, drainage stabilization and small trailhead parking areas.
The Recreational Trails Program is a federally funded program established to distribute funding for motorized, non-motorized and diverse recreation trail projects as directed by Congress. The goal of the Tennessee RTP is to build high quality, environmentally sustainable trails for public use. The funds are available to federal, state and local government agencies, as well as non-profit organizations that have obtained IRS 501(c)(3) status and have a written trail management agreement with the agency that owns the property where the trail project is located. 
Funding for RTP grants, including the 2011 Motorized Trail grant, is provided by the Federal Highway Administration through the federal Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act. Environment and Conservation’s Recreation Educational Services Division, in cooperation with the Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency, administers the program for the state of Tennessee. The maximum federal share for each project is 80 percent of the total project cost, with RTP grant recipients providing a 20 percent match. 
Matching grant funds may come from land purchase, land donation, cash, labor, equipment, materials or donation of these items. Local government motorized trail projects for the 2011 Motorized Trail grant cycle are limited to a maximum grant application request of $400,000 (80 percent) with a match value of $100,000 (20 percent) for a total project cost of $500,000. Applicants may submit up to two applications for different phases of the same project.
TDEC’s Recreation Educational Services Division will be accepting 2011 Motorized Trail grant applications through February 15, 2011. All applications should be submitted no later than 4 p.m. (CST) at the following address: RES Division, L&C Tower, 10th Floor, 401 N. Church Street, 37243. To obtain an application or to learn more about the 2011 Motorized Trail grant, please contact Gerald Parish at (615) 532-0538 or Gerald.Parish@tn.gov.
While additional information about the state’s Recreational Trails Program and other conservation-based grant programs can be found at http://tn.gov/environment/recreation/grants.shtml, the 2011 Motorized Trail grant application will not be available online due to its special instructions and to ensure interested applicants understand the new grant’s guidelines. 

Press Releases | Environment & Conservation