Bredesen Names Appointments to Boards and Commissions

Tuesday, December 21, 2010 | 04:58am

NASHVILLE – Governor Phil Bredesen has appointed 3 women to serve on 3 state boards and commissions.

“The state of Tennessee relies on citizens like these men and women who are willing to serve the state through its boards and commissions,” Bredesen said. “I appreciate their willingness to offer their service to our state, and thank them for the valuable additions they will be to the organizations to which they have been appointed.

“During my eight years as Governor I’ve had the privilege of making thousands of appointments to various boards and commissions. With these final appointments of my term, I want to express my sincere appreciation to all of these Tennesseans for their willingness to serve our state. Much of the function of our government relies on the honorable, voluntary service of these individuals, and I thank each of them for their contributions.”

Appointment terms vary based on statutory recommendations or term limits specified by geographic or other qualifications.  The appointments are as follows:

Governor's Council on Service Members, Veterans and Their Families
Alyson Delaney, Fort Campbell
Tennessee Higher Education Commission
Sharon L. Hayes, Brownsville
Tennessee Historical Records Advisory Board
Beverly G. Bond, Germantown


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