TDOC Prison Hair Show

Monday, June 21, 2010 | 11:25am

ONLY - It may sound a little odd to hear that some of the hottest hairstyles around are being designed inside a Tennessee prison.  The cosmetology school at Turney Center Industrial Prison has been achieving great success and helping inmates prepare for careers away from prison.  This week, the inmates will put their new skills to the test by competing in the Turney Center Hair Show.

Instructor Phyllis Taylor has been preparing inmates for their cosmetology licenses since the school opened in 1989.  "I tell my students to get ready for a successful life," said Taylor.  In turn, inmates have grown to value Taylor as a life coach and no-nonsense mother figure.  Gabriel Savey, a Turney Center inmate, said, "Cosmetology opened my creative mind and helped me think in a positive, productive manner.  I am now a value to my community; before, I was selling dope and essentially was in the way.  The cosmetology program saved my life."

The students will compete in areas including hairstyles, nails and make-up.  The media is invited to attend.

WHAT: TDOC Hair Show
WHEN: Thursday, June 24, 2010
  12:00 p.m.
WHERE: Turney Center Industrial Prison
  1499 R.W. Moore Memorial Highway
  Only, Tennessee  37140

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