Corridor K Transportation Planning Report Completed

Wednesday, July 07, 2010 | 05:33am
Approved TPR Available for Review on Project Website
CHATTANOOGA, Tenn. – An approved Transportation Planning Report (TPR) for the Corridor K project in southeastern Tennessee is now complete and is available for public review on the Tennessee Department of Transportation website at Corridor K TPR. The TPR is intended to establish the immediate and long-term needs for the proposed Corridor K from west of the Ocoee River to SR-68
near Ducktown in Polk County and is part of TDOT’s overall planning process. The report assesses how the considered options fulfill the purpose and need of the project and also documents the planning process that has been implemented for the proposed Corridor K.
After many years of discussion and study on Corridor K, it was determined in 2005 that the original alignment was too expensive and too intrusive to the environment, so no further action was taken on the project for over two years.  In 2007 the Southeast Tennessee Rural Planning Organization (RPO) voted the Corridor K project as their number one priority.  As a result of the RPO’s endorsement, the Southeast Industrial Development Association retained Wilbur Smith Associates to conduct an economic development study of the Corridor K region. The Corridor K Economic Development and Transportation Study (2008) concluded that there is an immediate and long-term economic development need for an improved east-west transportation corridor in the project region.  The entire economic development study can be found at the following link: 2008 Corridor K Economic and Development Study.
Based on the results of the economic development study, TDOT decided to take an entirely fresh look at the project. Through the utilization of context sensitive principles, including the formation of a Citizens Resource Team (CRT) to assist with project planning, TDOT has been able to better assess the Corridor K options that best fulfill the project’s various needs, such as enhanced safety and economic development while closely considering environmental impacts and concerns of area citizens.
As part of the TPR, several options were evaluated. Of these, two options are based on improvements to the existing US-64, three options are on new alignment to the north of the Ocoee River, two options are on new alignment to the south of the Ocoee River. Also studied are two options that combine new location corridors to the north in combination with improvements to the existing US-64 route. 
“I want to thank the Corridor K Citizens Resource Team for their hard work and dedication in helping us move forward with this important project,” said TDOT Commissioner Gerald Nicely. “We look forward to working with them in the future as we select a preferred alternate for Corridor K.”
The TPR discusses impacts that are currently known or suspected. Other potential impacts may be discovered upon more detailed studies performed as part of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) phase.
“I want to echo the Commissioner’s appreciation for all the time and effort that the CRT has put into the planning process for Corridor K so far,” added TDOT Corridor K project manager Wes Hughen. “It has been my pleasure to work closely with the team throughout this process, and I anticipate we will experience the same productive working relationship during the environmental phase.”
TDOT will now begin working with agency teams through the Tennessee Environmental Streamlining Agreement (TESA) to develop the NEPA document. During this process there will be many opportunities for public involvement. For further information on Corridor K or other TDOT projects, you may access our website at TDOT Projects
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For more information contact:
Jennifer A. Flynn
TDOT Region Two Community Relations Officer

Press Releases | Transportation